Besides the witch doctor who interceded against witches, there was the tribal herbalist, Ixhwele, who dispensed medicine to both people and animals.

An important custom amongst the Xhosa was the initiation of the young people into manhood. This was especially rigorous with respect to the boys. The Xhosa, Thembu, Mfengu and Bomvana practice circumcision. The Bhaca, Mpondo, and Xesibe do not.

Bridewealth [lobola] involving the transfer of cattle from relatives of the groom to those of the bride is a way of legitimizing the idea that the children of the marriage belong to the male line. The husband must provide each new wife a hut, kitchen, granary, fields, and maybe cattle. Marriage actually involves the whole family. Either the groom or the father makes the suggestion and then the grooms kin approach the family of the bride and make an offer. Once the concept is accepted negotiations start over the lobola.

The homestead is inherited by the eldest son of the senior wife.